American Idol kicked off Season 9 last night with the Boston, Massachusetts auditions. Fox Network premiered the show in it's usual exciting fashion with host Ryan Seacrest and judges Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell, Kara Dioguardi and guest judge Victoria Beckham, better known as Posh Spice of the "Spice Girls".
9,000 folks showed up for the event on day one seeking that golden ticket to Hollywood. Maddy Curtis, age 16 from Bluemont, Virginia received the first golden ticket of Season 9. Quite an honor in itself. Maddy earned the golden ticket by impressing the judges with her own version of "Hallelujah" in the style of Leonard Cohen.
Luke Shaffer and Benjamin Bright, both of whom I believe will go far in the competition, bounced away with their golden tickets along with Ashley Rodriguez, Tyler Grady, Mike Davis, Katie Stevens and Leah Laurent. A total of fifty talented singers left the Boston auditions with a smile on their face and a golden ticket to Hollywood in hand.
Andrew "Angry" Fenlon pinched a nerve in all the judges with his cocky remarks and arrogant attitude. Fenlon claimed he was tired from the three hour wait for his audition. "There are people that would wait years to do so" Kara Dioguardi stated, seeming to find him particularly annoying. Upon Fenlon leaving the audition she also stated "I feel like I need to go home and take a shower after that". I totally agree with Kara. The look in his eyes alone puts him on my "Creepiest Idol Audition Ever" list. Gross.
I was pleased to see the judges invest in some talent that is not yet perfectly polished and am excited to see how these individuals grow throughout the competition. I truly enjoyed judges Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson. They always makes me laugh, which is sometimes not an easy task. The nice look and nice face critiques by Kara and Victoria did get tiring toward the end of the show. "Victoria seems to find the good in everybody" Ryan stated. That's nice and all Victoria, but really...American Idol is not a beauty contest.
Part two of the Season Premiere airs tonight on Fox.
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