Wednesday, February 6, 2008


For the third time since the show began in 2002, auditions were held in Atlanta Georga. Over twelve thousand flocked to the home of the Georgia peach. Georgia is also Ryan Seacrest's home town and where Jennifer Hudson first auditioned for "American Idol".

Joshua Jones, a.k.a. "Crazy Eye's", was among the first to get a golden ticket. Joshua is 26 years old, from Atlanta and a prosperous glass cutter. Singing "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen, Joshua's eye's would suddenly become very large and wicked, kind of like the way Ozzy Osbourne would look just before biting off a bat's head. The judges made him turn his back to them to sing, but they sent him to Hollywood anyway. Hmmm, I'm a bit lost on this one.

After receiving word that her father had been killed in a car accident just two days before her audition, Asia'h Epperson, 18, of Joplin, Mo., managed to pull off a stellar audition. Singing "How Do I Live" by Leann Rimes, even Paula Abdul got emotional, shedding a few tears. A well deserved golden ticket went to Epperson.

Out to show the judges that beauty queens can have talent was Brooke Helvie,18, from Wellington, FL. Helvie proved her point not only to the judges, but the rest of the world. Although sexy Simon found her quite annoying there was no denying her talent when singing "Who's Lovin You" by The Jackson Five. WOW!

And how could anyone forget the rockin', harley riding nurse, Amanda Overmeyer. Amanda is 22 from Mulberry, Indiana and has a very UNIQUE voice. There is no denying she has talent, but she scares me more than "Crazy Eye's" with her I'll kick your A** attitude. "Mean Woman" by Janis Joplin was definitely the right song choice for her.

In the end only nineteen walked away with a golden ticket. Can we get to Hollywood already? Good Luck Georgia Idols!

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Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?"
quote: George Bernard Shaw