When I first joined BlogEngage the requirement was six votes to move up to "Popular Blogs" and to get published. The site now requires seven votes and the change has put a small wrinkle in my published stats.
There is also, apparently, a time frame in which you must get the votes. I disagree with the time factor because, it seems to me, there has been an increase in article submissions and some members are posting 3 to 4 articles at a time. As a result, within twelve hours or less, a newly submitted article can easily end up on the fourth page of "Upcoming Blogs". Many visitors only have time to visit the first two or three pages in each category and it may take a couple of days for them to make it to your article. I am not sure how many days you have to get the votes needed but, according to my stats, it is less than eight. I have two with seven votes still sitting in the Upcoming tab
I'm probably going to stick my foot in my mouth here, but that's one of the joys of writing independently. I am all for preserving the environment, but since when does a one paragraph article about a "Bag Monster" manage to get 11 votes. I visited the article and I guess I'm missing something. Also, does copying, word for word, what someone else has already written and adding a photo constitute a "Good" article. There's nothing wrong with using quotes from others, but this is being a bit lazy. Don't you think?
Anyway, before I get into any more trouble, I will end with saying that I can understand why BlogEngage increased the vote quota and I do not disagree with that decision. I guess fellow BlogEngager's will just have to get on the ball, dig a little deeper, and keep voting.
I'm with you on this one. The other thing is as much as I love BlogEngage I notice that it doesn't bring me all that many visitors.
The strange thing is that I always submit 'teasers' in the hope it will attract readers to my blogs and although some of my articles have gotten more than 8 votes I haven't gotten any visits from BE, so one must ask themselves, why do people vote if they haven't even taken the time to read the full article
I would have to agree it has been harder to get articles published on BlogEngage due to the number of new submits. The one good thing about that is that BE is growing meaning hopefully more exposure. On my site I have recieved vistors from BE and I also added a vote button to my posts to help with the voting. Although I did find it strange that the "bag monster" was so quick to get votes, but to each their own.
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