If you will notice, in the first photo here, there is a U-haul backed up to the front of this Citgo gas station. The owner, after just recovering from the January 9th flood, is taking everything he can from the business and closing the doors for good. He says that he will not recover from the financial loss he has sustained. The second pic shows city workers at the barricade before Rt. 1 & 24 making sure no one tries to drive through the disaster and also helping redirect traffic for those who are not familiar with our city. The City of Watseka has done a tremendous job throughout the past month. Especially considering that we have not experienced such devastation here for many years.
"At 900 am CST... calls to law enforcement indicated continued flooding across Iroquois County in northeast Illinois and Benton... Jasper... and Newton counties in Northwest Indiana. Several roads remain closed or under high water across these areas. No significant flooding has been reported across Ford County in northeast Illinois this morning... thus the Flood Warning that was in effect for Ford County has been allowed to expire. A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported. Stream rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected. Most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Never drive your vehicle into areas where the water covers the roadway. Flood waters are usually deeper than they appear. When encountering flooded roads make the smart choice... turn around... don't drown."
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