Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The table has turned quite a bit since the original "Top 24" Season 7 American Idols were chosen. Some once thought to make the top 10 are already gone and those that were hibernating in the background are now front runners and setting a strong example for those, not so motivated Idols.

David Cook gave another stellar performance, on tonight's show, with his rendition of Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean". Although I am no longer a fan of Jackson, since his alleged involvement with young boys, I must say there is no denying Michael's talent as a singer/songwriter. David Cook brought a life to "Billy Jean" like no other. Slowing the melody and adding a touch of rock turned this song into a sort of Rock Ballet. One that could possibly go down in history as one of the best arrangements by an American Idol Contestant ever. His performance gave me chills and made me smile all at the same time, which is quite achievement as my book goes.

On the down slope of the Idol mountain would be David Archuleta and Ramiele Malubay. Both seem to be stuck in the rut of bad song choices and lack of originality. Ramiele's performance tonight, was as stiff as the video they showed of her singing as a young girl. And the outfits have got to go. UGH! Right along side of these two is Jason Castro who does not seem to take his position seriously and performs almost like a "Saturday Night Live" parody of an American Idol contestant.

The other contestants are well on their way towards perfection. Even Chikezie has stepped up his game, and his attire. This has been the worst season, in my opinion, as far as fashion is concerned. The singers are dressing very bland, but whats worse, is that even one of the back-up singers on tonight's show was wearing a bright green shirt with some writing on the front. Quite tacky, I must say, for a show that has Millions of viewers and grosses billions of dollars.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I loved the way he sang Billy Jean. You know I skipped through David's song because I find him boring. I'm sorry I missed this one!!! Thanks for posting it. Now I have to go back and watch it again. Thank goodness for DVR.

Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?"
quote: George Bernard Shaw