First of all, I've been getting some more work done on my teeth. Don't worry, I'm going to my local dentist this time. All was good until I had a back molar tooth removed that apparently liked its home inside my mouth, because it did not want to come out. "It's as stubborn as it's owner" my dentist said, and he was right. The healing process from that has been quite brutal, but I am finally feeling better without the pain medication.
I've also been taking some classes, required by the state, in order to get my drivers license back. I don't have many class hours to take and am hopeful about being reinstated by the end of summer, but I better not hold my breath.
And lets not forget about the two-faced evil doers that like to spread lies in my small town. Yes, I must still have some contact, but always remember...."keep your friends close....and you enemies even closer"
I sense that soon I will be given another chance to create the life I had always intended to lead. And I promise that I will achieve what I was meant to do, what I want to do, what the world needs me to do.
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Don't you just love spam comments? They make my day, really.
Anyways, keep your chin up. People like to gossip to fill the holes in their own lives. You'd do best to ignore them. Or run them over with your lawnmower. Either way. :P
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