American Idol presented it's fifth annual "Idol Gives Back" show last night. The show managed to raise a staggering $15 million dollars during the two hours in which it aired. The money raised will benefit the following charities: The Children's Health Fund, Feeding America, Malaria No More, Save The Children and The United Nations Foundation.
The show featured musical artists include Alicia Keys, Carrie Underwood, The Black Eyed Peas, Annie Lennox, Mary J. Blige, Jeff Beck & Joss Stone. As always, Underwood gave a perfect and heart felt live performance. Alicia Keys, however, sounded nothing like her recordings and the performance left much to be desired. Using the show and the judges as subject matter for their acts, comedian's George Lopez and Wanda Sykes had me "busting a gut" during their guest spots on the show.
I am thrilled that Idol Gives Back focused a bit more on the problems within the United States considering one in five children live in poverty within this country. After all, it is Americans that watch, vote and donate. All of which have made the show an astounding success. DONATE
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