Monday, March 10, 2008


I recently wrote an article about issues I've encountered in my small town lately. The post talked about the effects of gossip and how I believe that confidential information has been disclosed by an employee of the Iroquois County Mental Health Center. This article is an update to the post Pathetic Small Town BS.

Since the article, and my phone call to the clinic, an Administrator from the facility has contacted me regarding my allegations. This person was very caring, understanding and eager to look into the issue, as confidentiality is as important to them, as it is to me.

I explained to the administrator how and why I have the allegations. I would not give the name of the person I think is violating my rights, because I do not have enough evidence as of yet, but by the end of the conversation, the administrator and I had the same person in mind. Apparently there has been complaints.

I explained to the administrator that there has to be a way they can check and see who and what kind of information this person has been accessing. I told him that I have very good reason to believe that this same person has accessed other "certain types" of medical records not relating to mental health, but I am not sure if they were working at the Mental Health Clinic, or a different facility in town, at the time. This person has bounced around quite a bit for such a short time working in the Health profession.

Because the lawbreaking health care worker did not have my accurate information, for instance, place of birth, the medical information provided was very, very false. The said information is very scary, but sooo not true. One phone call to my physician of 23 years would provide proof of my medical history.

My main concern is stopping this person. I'm sure I'm not the only one the inexperienced RN has ran checks on, but I am determined to put a stop to her little operation. Oops, I gave a couple of hints, didn't I?

Putting a stop to this activity will satisfy a part of me, but the damage this person has caused, by handing out false information, can never be undone. The mental health information they leaked was at least somewhat true, but the false medical history they spread around this town, of only 5,500 people, will be forever damaging to myself and my 8yr. old son. She planted the seed and it will continue to grow, no matter how many leaves I pluck away. I wish I could put up a billboard at the edge of town with proof that the RN has provided FALSE information, but that would probably just make matters worse.

In the end, I really do not care what other people think of me. What matters is the truth and what is in my heart. Anyone who really knows and cares about me, knows the truth and that my heart is pure. These people are the only ones that really matter. It's the effects it might have on my son that worries me the most. All because a drug using RN wanted to give bar-hoppers something to talk about. I will not feel bad when all those years of school are flushed down the toilet...kind of like my reputation.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you could even sue but noticed you have not mentioned that which it's probably the last thing on your mind.

It's a good thing you now have this blog tho, they will proceed more careful next time...

grafikgirl said...

Thanks for your comment jolly. The Administrator at Mental Health has been wonderful and steps are being taken to ensure these actions are stopped.
As for the Medical Records, the said employee was working at a different facility at the time, and her ethics there are now in question.
My main goal is to stop this person from destroying any more reputations. Do I think my family deserves compensation? Yes, absolutely. If I end up being right about the Medical Records too, and if life was fair, both facilities would offer compensation without a nasty, expensive court battle. Quite frankly I've been through enough at this point.
Thanks Again for your input.

Unknown said...

The meanness in people I sometimes find it hard to fathom...but good to hear some progress is being made.

Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?"
quote: George Bernard Shaw