On Wednesday April 9th, 2008 "American Idol" aired its second annual "American Idol Gives Back". The show focused on raising money for underprivileged children in the United States and Africa. Last year 76 million dollars was raised and this year, the last I heard, the tally was over 60 million.
I would like to send a special thank you to Miley Cyrus and her father Billy Ray Cyrus for their effort in bringing awareness to the poverty that is right under our nose. Miley joined her father in his home state of Kentucky and revealed the difficult living conditions in Appalachia.
I am not a prejudice person as I judge people depending on who they are on the inside, not the outside. But I was quite disappointed last year when throughout the entire show only two white children were shown out of the many poverty stricken areas.
I understand that there are other country's suffering, and in most cases, there appears to be a more urgent need, but if we do not help our own children, there will not be a better tomorrow. Our children are the future of our Country. They will one day take care of us and this Country. How is sending millions of dollars to Africa going to help our children have a better tomorrow? IT WONT!
I do want to save all the children, regardless of race or location, but for as long as I can remember, and I am 36 years old, I have watched all these shows about saving the children in Africa. Millions of dollars are donated, then the next year they show the same poverty stricken situations. This has gone on for 26 years of my life and yet they still need more money. Well, we need jobs in the US with decent pay and benefits. I just don't get it.
I have been poor all my life, so I have every right to this opinion. I have worked my ass off for the few luxuries I have, and I'm sure many of you have done the same. I was not going to donate this year, but then I watched the clip of Miley and Billy Ray in Kentucky, and I changed my mind. Thank you to the Cyrus family. We can only pray that all those donations do not end up back in the pockets of those who asked for our help to save the world....when we can hardly save ourselves. Photo: www.disneysociety.com
Yeah...it's great that Idol added this feature. Very entertaining while addressing a very worthy cause.
I guess the problem runs so deep that it's hard to see real improvements...some day, some day I hope....
Just popping in to say Hi! Someone's reading! I agree, we need to help those who need help here first, the problem is determining those TRULY in need, and those who are just "working the system" here in the States...
Do you really think your people will give you the help you need. My opinion is that most Americans just think about themselves; 60 million Americans without health isnurance, and especially in this recession coming up. Now with the banking crisis, rising unemployment, I think the American dog eat dog society will not be very humanitarian based!
Would you not agree that in the USA its only the CORPORATIONS that get welfare from government, and that the American people just eat themselves up alive for the scraps that are left after business and government eats the main meal?
Yes, this is awesome.
But it's a shame they had to eliminate a contestant in the same week they were helping out so many...
Love her New Photo Shoot too!!
Cheers Everybody!! Billy ;)) Peace*
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