Whitney Houston might not have been completely honest about her feelings when she said, in a 2002 interview with Diane Sawyer, "Crack is Whack", but that is one statement I definately agree with. Besides, Crack Cocaine went out in the ninety's...this decade Crystal Meth seems to be users drug of choice.
Methamphetamine, known on the streets as simply Meth or Crank, is a psychostimulant that enters the brain releasing dopamine and norepinephrine. The two act as neurotrasmitters in the brain creating the illusion of Euporia. Meth also has altering effects on the heart rate, appetite, body temperature, and mood. The "high" created from the drug leaves the user more alert, sociable and also heightens self-esteem. These characteristics cause many users to become addicted in a short amount of time.
Whew, now that we have all that technical stuff out of the way, we can be thankful that law enforcement is on top of the situation and is doing an excellent job as well. In my area alone, there have been several individuals apprehended for the manufacturing of Meth. The "Methamphetamine Precursor Control Act" has given law enforcement a valuable tool. They can now have warrants issued if someone is buying large amounts of certain substances that are commonly used in the manufacturing of crystal meth.
I do not wish harm on others, but I seriously do not want meth users or manufacturers out on the streets. The users are ticking time bombs due to the extreme changes in mood...and the manufacturers are endangering themselves and other innocent people. Anyone manufacturing the stuff might as well be assembling a bomb. I have heard that people who make Meth from their homes have to disconnect all of the electrical outlets because the chemicals used can easily spark a fire. All of the schools in my area are surrounded by houses. Who knows whats cookin next door to our youths?
In conculsion, "Meth is Whack" too Whitney! It has been long overdue, especially in rural communities, for law enforcement to focus on catching these lawbreakers. Any police officer can easily make a DUI arrest in this day and age...but it takes a motivated, smart, dedicated officer to catch these types of criminals.
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