Friday, January 15, 2010

Blogger Questions Validity Of Haiti Earthquake

Haite and The Dominican Republic both populate and island known as Hispaniola. I began researching the history of the island of Hispaniola after news that an alleged 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated the people of Haiti (located on the island of Hispaniola) on January 12, 2010. During my research I was unable to find answers to certain questions using online resources. I also found that much of the information online contradictory from site to site . I would like to share my concerns in the hopes that the outstanding scientists of this great nation may read this article and find the answers in which I could not.

1. Studies would speculate that Hispaniola island was once connected to Cuba, but broke off due to global climate changes and other natural phenomenons. The photo above shows how Hispaniola island would fit into Cuba like a piece of a puzzle.

2. If Hispaniola was once a piece of Cuba, but broke off many years ago due to environmental elements, what is the distance between the bottom of the island Hispaniola and the floor of the North Atlantic Ocean in which is resides.

3. The only information I could find regarding the land density of Haiti is that it is only 150 ft. below sea level(that information may or may not be correct). The greatest known depth in the Caribbean Sea is between Cuba and Jamaica and is estimated at 25,216ft. Can an earthquake supposedly registering 7.0 on the Richter scale occur on an island that is not connected to a continent or to the earths core and is 25,066 ft. above the oceans floor?

4. Wikipedia online states that Hispaniola island ( which Haiti and The Dominican Republic reside) is the second largest island in the Caribbean and that it has an area of 76,480 km2(square kilometers). 76,480 km2 converted into miles is 29.3437 mi2(miles squared). That would mean that the island's area is only 29 square miles in size. This document link gives measurements in square miles that show a comma after the number 29 instead of a decimal point and therefore do not match my findings. The document further indicates that the total population(Haiti and The Dominican Republic combined)is 5,233,056 squared. Are my calculations incorrect? If Hispaniola island only has an area of 29mi2 is it really possible for it to be occupied by that many people.

5. We have been taught that Columbus discovered American in 1492. There are numerous accounts online claiming that Hispaniola was discovered by Columbus in 1492 as well. Given their means of transportation in 1492 I find this to be impossible.

These question, which should be so easily answered, are leading me to question the validity of this natural disaster in Haiti. The loss of any human life is tragic regardless of the circumstances, race, age or nationality. But if it is found that this situation is fraudulent in any way, in my eyes, that would be the biggest tragedy of all time.

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Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?"
quote: George Bernard Shaw