Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strain of Swine Flu Man-Made?

Is the Swine Flu a man-made strain? This video defends the pig farmers and says the swine flue appears to be a man-made strain of bacteria. The video is too cute, but I actually believe it to be true.

1 comment:

Shine said...

I absolutely believe that is man made, but also is a man made lie.
Fear has been the best way to keep people controled, specially in times of bad economy due to bad management in gob etc...
To everyone scared about the swine flue, know that if your body can fight a cold, your body can figth swine flu,but strenght your immune system, by eating cucumbers or buy zinc supplements, and equinaccea purpurea. Nice blog!

Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?"
quote: George Bernard Shaw