Thursday, February 7, 2008


After two days of rain and snow, Iroquois County is back in the same boat, literally. Just 3 short weeks ago Watseka started to recover from recent flooding that forced 550 residents into evacuation, which is a lot for a population of 5,500. Although the rain has stopped, the Iroquois River is still expected to rise and a Flood Warning has been issue until Tuesday. The river runs very close to Watseka, as a result, many of those who have just started to rebuild what they have lost in the recent flood are at major risk of losing it all again. I am unable to provide any photos at this time, but here is information collected from the local radio station's website at

"Flood Warning 8:02 am CST Thursday, February 7, 2008
The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued a Flood Warning for small streams in…Ford County in east central Illinois…Iroquois County in east central Illinois…Benton County in Northwest Indiana…Jasper County in Northwest Indiana…Newton County in Northwest Indiana…

A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported. Many of the streams and creeks will begin to slowly recede over the next 24 hours…however all interested parties should take necessary precautions. The Flood Warning continues for the Iroquois river at Iroquois until late Tuesday night…or until the warning is cancelled. At 7:30 am Thursday the stage was 23.7 feet. Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. Normal flood stage is 18 ft. Forecast…the river was cresting and water levels will likely change little over the next 24 hours before beginning a slow fall. The river should fall below flood stage by Tuesday evening."

"The latest information from the National Weather Service shows at 7:30 am Thursday the stage was 23.7 feet. Forecast…the river was cresting and water levels will likely change little over the next 24 hours before beginning a slow fall. The river should fall below flood stage by Tuesday evening.

Historical Crests for the Iroquois at Iroquois
(1) 26.31 ft on 06/13/1958
(2) 25.75 ft on 01/09/2008
(3) 25.74 ft on 07/12/2003
(4) 24.59 ft on 12/30/1990
(5) 23.81 ft on 03/05/1979
(6) 23.54 ft on 01/14/2005
(7) 23.46 ft on 03/13/1990
(8) 23.35 ft on 10/21/1993
(8) 23.35 ft on 02/02/1968
(10) 23.30 ft on 07/10/1951 "


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure people will soon start asking, why us?

Hope everyone stays safe.

Some men see things the way they are and ask, "Why?"
I dream things that never were, and ask "Why not?"
quote: George Bernard Shaw